Wednesday, July 04, 2007

(amateur video) RCMP is pepper spraying infants now and doesn't see a problem with that

Buckdog: The logic of the RCMP was this - because it is unsafe for these boys to be standing in the back of the truck, we will pepper spray infants, toddlers, children, mothers etc.

See for yourself:

Here's a picture of Mr. "Pepper Spraying Infants is what I do for a Living":

- Buckdog: RCMP Spray Infant With Pepper Spray!


leftdog said...

Eric .. thanks for posting this!!!!!

Erik said...

Hi Buckdog,

I'm just as outraged about this as you are. What was this policemen afraid for, an assault from a woman with a baby on her arm?

And the comments after by a spokeswomen for the RCMP seems to suggest that there's nothing wrong with pepper spraying a baby since the policemen felt threatened.

Again, the RCMP protecting themselves over protecting the people. This institution needs a complete new direction; justifying pepper spraying infants might have worked in another time or in another country, but it's definitely not realistic in a Canada of 2007. I can't believe "authority" tries to get away with it. Thanks to technology (cellphone and the web) we can all agree that what happened at Sechelt was completely out of line.

RCMP, you should be ashamed of yourself!

leftdog said...

Eric - there is such a rush today towards authoritarian response to every situation.

The officers got confrontational prior to investigating what was happening with the horns honking etc.

If the officers felt threatened, they should have withdrawn immediately BECAUSE THIS WAS A TRAFFIC VIOLATION AT WORST.

you are dead on when you said, "And the comments after by a spokeswomen for the RCMP seems to suggest that there's nothing wrong with pepper spraying a baby since the policemen felt threatened." EXACTLY!!

I am sick of this race towards authoritarian mindset in Canada in the 21st Century.

We need to scream loudly when we see shit like this (sorry for the bad word)!!!

Erik said...

Thanks Buckdog, I've added a picture of the particular "trigger happy" RCMPer in question. Any idea who this guy is? I would like to see his name along with the picture.

I realize that this latest abuse of power is just a symptom of a far larger issue, nevertheless by exposing the "evil doer" one at a time, we might be able to put some pressure on individual behaviour of RCMP officers as well.

Dr.Dawg said...

Well posted, Erik. How to break up a kids party, right? Love to see these RCMPers try that during a Stanley Cup parade. Morons.

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